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Tooth extraction is the removal of the tooth from the parodontium. Tooth extraction can be performed in two diferrent ways.

  • Simple way: the dentist removes the tooth with forceps; the coronal part of the tooth can be well catched. 
  • From surgical excavation: it is common in case of lower wisdom teeth due to their abnormal position (slant, recumbent) in lower jaw.

Wisdom teeth problems - Speaking generally, if you are feeling any sort of pain or swelling in the back of your mouth where your molars are located, this may be a sign that wisdom teeth are coming in. Having wisdom teeth extracted is a normal part of growing up. Most people have their wisdom teeth extracted at some point, usually in their late teens or early twenties. In most cases, wisdom teeth are taken out to prevent overcrowding and maintain optimal tooth and gum health.

The wisdom teeth's shooting can be complete or partial. In case of partial shooting it will develop a shallow sachet between the crown and the mucous membrane covered part of the tooth and it will be difficult for the patient to clean it. Due to the developing imflammation (pericoronitis) the mucous membrane will be swollen, livid and very painful. If the complete shooting is possible we have to remove the redundant mucous membrane after the imflammation. The cause of wisdom teeth's difficulty with shooting is lack of place. The impacted and abnormally located wisdom tooth can cause congestion, which helps the onset of cavity and gingivitis. In these cases it is recommended to remove the wisdom tooth in surgical excavation. After anaesthesia surgeon cuts a little incision around the tooth, removes it with special instruments and closes the wound with a seam. In case of canine tooth in retention we also need surgical excavation. Dental Visit Hungary offers patients a wide variety of procedures and options for their wisdom teeth. Please contact us today for more information.

Root apex resection is a surgical intervention and its aim is the retention of the tooth and assurance of limited function. After the preparation of the tooth (apex filling) the root apex will be partially removed. The indication range is wide, but it is used mainly in connection with removal of dental cysts and commonly among incisor and canine teeth. It is rarely used among grinders due to difficult technical implementation.

Removal of dental cyst: we can find many, variable cysts in oral cavity. The most common form is the radicular cyst, which appears in the root apex. It always develops on the ground of imflammation. The surgical removal can be the effective therapy.

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    TreatmentOur pricesUK pricesYou save
    budapest dentist
     Tooth extraction£ 40£ 10060 %
     Tooth extraction (surgical)£ 60£ 10040 %
     Wisdom tooth extraction (surgical)£ 100£ 17560 %
     Root resection£ 110£ 25060 %
     Removal of dental cyst£ 120£ 50080 %
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