Dental Hygenic Treatment is a professional intervention, which includes the disposal of scale and discolourations deposited on the surface of teeth. Scale is a sclerosised deposition on the surface of teeth, which cannot be removed with a toothbrush. Its colour can vary from yellowish-white to black and it can be located underneath or above the gingiva. The second form is easier to detect for the patient. Scale is not only a cosmetic problem but it has an important role in the onset of gingivitis. Accumulated scale, which has not been removed for years, can lead to destruction of the frame or loss of the teeth. In case of dental-hygenic treatment the dentist or the specially qualified hygienist removes the scale and after that smoothes the surface of teeth.
Motivation is another important way of prevention. Its aim is to teach the patient the right technique of tooth brushing and use of other dental hygenic tools (mouth rinse, dental floss, etc.) improving the individual mouth hygene. Motivation must be started in childhood.